Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Grad school makes me talk to myself

I don't really have anything that interesting to talk about. If you're still reading after that last sentence, I truly appreciate it and I want you to know that I started drinking coffee. Don't get alarmed. It's only a cup or two, here or there, but mostly when I'm in the library. Thus far it's been an iced vanilla latte from Starbucks, iced Coffee of the Day from Starbucks, hot Coffee of the Day from Starbucks, and a hot vanilla coffee from, that's right, you guessed it, Dunkin' Donuts. I don't know if it's just me, but they all tasted exactly the same.

In other news, I also figured out that I am a poet who struggles with words. For those of you who saw me perform (via Internet or live) my first spoken word, you'd think I had even some semblance of skill. But, no. Alas, that was my one-hit wonder, my Tardy for the Party, if you will. And, dammit I am PISSED. I have about three or four poems I've been working on recently and they just won't GO. I keep watching old Def Poetry Jams and realizing how UNlikely it is that I'll ever be on that show (despite the fact that it's canceled, but you know what I'm saying). Whatever, this isn't me fishing for compliments. I'm just typing here. Everyone is either asleep or tweeting. #notinterested Honestly, it's late, I just wrote an essay and I don't have it in me to start studying for another subject at 1:30 in the morning. If I start, I won't want to stop until I'm done. And if I don't get ample sleep, I'm going to be cranky and unfocused tomorrow. Or, maybe I can just drink more coffee.


  1. Sometimes the words that don't work now express something everlasting. Keep pushing, the strength of your performance is an indication of your passion, that is the success, not the amount of popularity. I love the way you dialogue/write/express life. You have me going out of my way to listen. So please, if nothing else, keep writing for your one fan.

  2. @dj I sincerely thank you for reading, and for your comment.

  3. Russle Simmons has presets:Brave New Voices season 2 on HBO. Saturday nights. HORRIBLE night. but you can youtube it.

    And I only read beyond the first sentence because i never have anything to say in my blog lol!

  4. Poetry is not only the flow of words...it is how you express your thoughts. So what if you dont have a catchy analogy or a prose of soliloqouy..the only one who can truly critique your work is you. :)

  5. Thank you for sharing... I would love to see your performance...despite the fact you didn't invite me to support. I have been having some of the same issues, no real name for it, but it sucks. I feel like I get so much energy from all of these spoken word events and then when I go to write it is like uhhh ummmm... what was I trying to do with that, and it just turns into a journal entry. I think I will say it until I am blue in the face but timing is surely everything... give yourself time. Maybe we should go to a workshop or something...lol.
