Friday, June 14, 2013

wan·der·lust [won-der-luhst] (noun.) a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.

Summer of Wander 

1. Visit Eastern Market outdoor shopping on a Sunday
2. Watch a movie outside (Screen on the Green)
3. Eat at 2 Amys Pizza
4. Row on the Potomac
5. Iwo Jima Memorial Tour
6. Eat a Manouch hotdog
7. Visit Ford's Theatre and the house where Lincoln died
8. Nationals Game
9. Take a tour at the Mansion on O Street
10. Visit a winery
11. Visit a brewery
12. Drag Queen brunch at Perry's
13. Visit Phillips Gallery
14. DC United Game
15. Eat at Standard Restaurant 
16. Eat a half-smoke all the way from Ben's Chili Bowl
17. Supreme Court tour
18. Visit the Newseum
19. Library of Congress tour
20. Watch the DC Rollergirls play
21. Visit all the Smithsonian Museums
22. Dinner at an embassy
23. Eat at Johnny's Half Shell
24. Visit the Big Chair in Anacostia and the Big Chair in Georgetown
25. Visit Frederick Douglass National Historic Site
26. Church at Rankin Chapel
27. Seersucker Bike Ride Social or Tweed Ride
28. Old Post Office tour
29. Eat at Dangerously Delicious Pies
30. Attend an event at Howard Theater
31. Attend a concert at 9:30 Club
32. Drinks at Black Cat
33. Eat at Granville Moore's